Independent and non-profit, the BPJ relies on contributions from poetry lovers like you. Your tax-deductible donation will enable our steadfast commitment to making poetry matter to new generations. With your support, we’ll continue to innovate, even as we remain committed to the values and practices that have sustained the BPJ and its readers for seventy years.
If you don't see the amount you'd like to give among the choices below, please contact us.
We’re so grateful for your generosity.
Independent and non-profit, the BPJ relies on contributions from poetry lovers like you. Your tax-deductible donation will enable our steadfast commitment to making poetry matter to new generations. With your support, we’ll continue to innovate, even as we remain committed to the values and practices that have sustained the BPJ and its readers for seventy years.
If you don't see the amount you'd like to give among the choices below, please contact us.
We’re so grateful for your generosity.